Sunday, July 6, 2008

8 tips for making yourself happier in the next hour

I read 8 tips for making yourself happier in the next hour. I realize that its not difficult to make myself happier.In fact, there are some of them i rarely accompish such as tips #3, 5 and 7. Perhaps, because im an introverted person, i feel happiness hardly come to me.I spend most of my free time at home on studying and on computer.Sometimes, i go out, but alone. After reading these 8 tips, i realize i lost a lot of time and chance to be with my friends and to make myself happier. Now, im thinking about making a new schedule and hopefully, i can follow these 8 tips.
I really like tip #7: act happy and emphasize 'smiling'. Smiles is indispensable to our life.There for, wherevers, whenevers, we should smile. A smile can make people closer, a smile can relieve others' suffering and... a smile can do lot more than that.
I hope everybody will be happier after reading these 8 tips!!!


Fawaz said...

"I realize that its not difficult to make myself happier".

are you sure that not difficult to make you happy let's see what you'll do on the weekend...Snow..with the books and the articals I think you'll have great one and you'll change your mind about the difficulties just on monday..!

estrella said...

Hello, Snow:

I am happy to have read all your blogs and see that you are really keeping up to date with all assignments.

Enjoy the rainy day!
